Snake Senses
Snakes do not have eyelids; their eyes are protected by transparent scales. Most snakes have limited eyesight and a few of the blind, burrowing snakes are completely eyeless!
They rely on other senses to survive. Although they breathe through their nostrils,snakes get most of their sense of smell from their tongue. As it flicks in and out, a snakes' tongue sample the air for any interesting molecules. These are

There are no plant eating snakes.
Snakes cannot take bites out of their prey, but must swallow it whole.
The antidote to a snake bite (sometimes called an anti-venom) is made from the venom itself.
The venom is collected from live snakes, by a dangerous process known as "milking."
The BLUE MALAYSIAN CORAL SNAKE is extremely venomous and is sometimes called the "100 paces" snake, because that is supposedly the farthest a person can walk after being bitten.
Eqyptian cobra----The ancient Egyptian queen Cleopatra is supposed to have committed suicide by letting herself be bitten by an Eqyptian cobra.
So--there you have it!! Everything I ever learned about snakes, I learned from my 4-year old grandson's books!
Mark was a little horrified you shared how snakes kill with Gunner. =) he said "great! Now he will never go outside!" ha!
Mark was a little horrified you shared how snakes kill with Gunner. =) he said "great! Now he will never go outside!" ha!
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